MED-EL’s TechSwap Program is available to MED-EL cochlear implant recipients with a surgery date of September 1, 2024 through product availability.
Click here to complete and return your Patient
Intake Form to ensure MED-EL has your up-to-date contact information. If you're unable to complete the Patient Intake Form via the link provided, please fill out the form below.
We will notify you when online registration for the TechSwap Program is live. We can't wait for you to enjoy our future behind-the-ear technology!
The content on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please contact your doctor or hearing specialist to learn what type of hearing solution is suitable for your specific needs. All products,
features and indications are approved and available in the US but may not be in other countries. Please contact your local MED-EL office for information.
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